Mike the Poolman

Pool Maintenance Tips

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Want to lower swimming pool chlorine demand AND evaporation?

Want to lower swimming pool chlorine demand AND evaporation?

September 6, 2013

Want to lower swimming pool chlorine demand AND evaporation? Expose less water to the sun by valving off those water […]

Is your pool water TOO hot? Here are a couple tricks to cool it off…

Is your pool water TOO hot? Here are a couple tricks to cool it off…

June 30, 2013

Here’s a common email I receive during heat waves: “Mike, my pool is too hot. How do I cool it […]

Swimming pool cartridge filter cleaning

Swimming pool cartridge filter cleaning

April 12, 2013

I run across this one all the time: “Mike, I’m having issues with water clarity. My filters get really clean […]

Free expert swimming pool advice… read on…

Free expert swimming pool advice… read on…

September 15, 2012

My goal when I started my business in 1995 it was to make money to eat and pay the rent. […]

Warm pool water?

Warm pool water?

August 31, 2012

Warm pool water? Unlikely with swim season is coming to and end. Unless you have a gas or solar heater […]

Does your pool cleaner (pool sweep) get stuck in dead spots?

July 30, 2012

Lets talk about pressure side pool cleaners. First, some people refer to them as “pool cleaners”, others call them “pool […]

Mud in the Pool

Mud in the Pool

March 18, 2011

4:15pm Friday afternoon, March 18, 2011: It has been raining hard and steady for hours now in Folsom. If mud […]

7 Costly Mistakes People Make When Caring For Their Swimming Pool

7 Costly Mistakes People Make When Caring For Their Swimming Pool

January 4, 2011

7 Costly Mistakes People Make When Caring For Their Swimming Pool By Antonio Miranda If you are one of the […]

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