Swimming pool care & maintenance basics
November 2, 2017
Pool Care- consistency is the key
Swimming pool care & maintenance isn’t difficult- it’s all about water chemistry and consistency. If you can learn to test your water accurately at least once a week you will master the basics in no time. If your schedule doesn’t allow 15 minutes every week, trouble is likely brewing and you may want to consider hiring a weekly pool service.
Pool owners get into trouble when they fail to service their pool week in and week out. After three weeks of neglect the water may be blue but the chemistry is unstable and effecting the plaster finish (making it rough to the touch). As we say in the industry, ‘Anyone can keep a pool blue, we get paid to make the surface last’. If you can’t test your pool regularly, hire a professional and protect your investment.
The first step in Doing-It-Yourself is to purchase a quality water chemistry test kit. At the minimum make sure it includes Chlorine, pH, and Total Alkalinity (a kit with Calcium Hardness and Cyanuric Acid tests is preferable but not mandatory.
Perform these three tests every week: Free Chlorine, pH, Total Alkalinity. Try to do so on the same day each week. Again, consistency is the key. Your water is like a small child; it likes stability and gets uncomfortable with an unpredictable schedule. When it/they don’t know what to expect you will pay the price (my kids helped me learn this the hard way…!!) Make it easy on yourself, keep a regular and predictable schedule and test your water (at least) once a week. Major fluctuation in water chemistry will hurt your pocket book when algae, scale or equipment repair occur.
And when in doubt, hire a reputable pool service, like us!
Mike the Poolman
Pool Service & Repair in Folsom, CA since 1995