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Email is always the quickest and most reliable way to reach Mike, whether during business hours, evenings, weekends, or even holidays. For the fastest response, please fill out the contact form below, and Mike will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you again for choosing Mike the Poolman for your pool service needs!
Mike the Poolman
Folsom, CA
All testimonials are written by actual real-life customers
What is the gas cost to run a swimming pool/spa heater in 2025? (I first published this article in 2012, […]
Why You Should Fire Your Pool Service If They’re Using Chlorine Tablets in Winter When it comes to pool care, […]
To Anchor or Not to Anchor, that is the question! We use anchors when installing our rails while other companies […]
Why Folsom Ranch Homeowners Should Trust Us to Care for Their New Swimming Pool Congratulations on installing a pool at […]